Web Server Statistics for ecr-pr.com


  Virtual Host Redirection Report  

The Virtual Host Redirection Report lists the top virtual hosts (or sub-hosts or sub-domains) hosted on your server, ranked by the number of redirections they caused. Redirections are HTTP status codes that indicate the visitor was directed to a different file than the one requested. This is usually caused by visitors forgetting the trailing slash on a directory or CGI scripts for tracking clickthroughs or advertising campaigns.

This report shows the first 20 results by number of requests. This report is sorted by number of requests.

Virtual HostNumber of requests

This report was generated on March 16, 2025 06:01.
Report time frame December 10, 2009 16:24 to September 15, 2021 13:18.

Web statistics report produced by:
Analog logfile analyser. Analog 5.24Report Magic statistics formatting by Wadsack-Allen. Report Magic for Analog 2.13