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The MicroBiz Dry Cleaner Controller A computerized system for Dry Cleaners, bulk operated laundromats
"Pop Up" windows and "Pull Down" menus take you easily from one part of the program to the next. On line help screens provide quick references when needed. Even if you have never used a computer before, you will be up and running with this program in less than one day! The Dry Cleaner Controller is one of the most effective investments you can make toward the success of your business. It will speed up transactions while reducing clerical errors; automatic price and customer lookup; enter a default number of days for service pickup. Enter your own work-in-progress number from garment tags and produce reports that will help you make smarter business decisions. The Dry Cleaner Controller automates your customer files and turns them into a real income producing system. Now you can have all the valuable advantages of computerizing without paying thousands of dollars for a custom designed program. The Dry Cleaner Controller is flexible. Dozens of options let you customize our system to your preferences and needs. Mistakes are easy to correct. You can even design and produce your own reports. The Dry Cleaner Controller supports the color coded tags already used by dry cleaners to mark in clothes and other articles to be cleaned. The Controller software allows you to enter a WIP (Work In Progress) number that is already preprinted on these tags, making the tracking of your clothing easier and faster. You can print reports on different aspects of your business. You may run reports on service sales, product sales and even upcharge sales for a specified time. You may run reports on the work in progress by the pickup date or the date received. You can even track your employees' activities by printing a report according to the dates you specify. The MicroBiz Dry Cleaner Controller is the business management system for
you. Have control over every aspect of your business right at your finger tips.
Impress your customers with professional looking, easy to read receipts.
Generate more repeat business by using the mailing list feature to send out
flyers with discount coupons or specials. FAST FACTS!
The Dry Cleaner Controller Start Up System Suggested Hardware
*Call for pricing Suggested Supplies
Suggested Peripherals
Suggested Software
Easy To Learn "Work Screen"
Reports You Need
The Dry Cleaner Controller Single-user MicroBiz 3.5" $995.00 Demo Version $39.95 The Dry Cleaner Controller Multi-user MicroBiz 3.5" 2-4 users $1595.00 5-10 users $2595.00 11-20 users $3595.00 Over 20 users please Call |
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