Web Server Statistics for ecr-pr.com


  Daily Report  

The Daily Report identifies the activity for each day within the reporting period. Remember that one page hit can result in several server requests as the images for each page are loaded.

Daily Report: Number of requests by Day.

DayNumber of requestsPercentage of the requests
1.April 19, 20244740.2%
2.April 18, 20245000.2%
3.April 17, 20243960.2%
4.April 16, 20243050.1%
5.April 15, 20244310.2%
6.April 14, 20245300.2%
7.April 13, 202400%
8.April 12, 20243260.1%
9.April 11, 20243480.1%
10.April 10, 20243310.1%
11.April 9, 20242300.1%
12.April 8, 20242730.1%
13.April 7, 20243450.1%
14.April 6, 202400%
15.April 5, 20243320.1%
16.April 4, 20244160.2%
17.April 3, 20244530.2%
18.April 2, 20242800.1%
19.April 1, 20242360.1%
20.March 31, 20242140.1%
21.March 30, 202400%
22.March 29, 20243900.2%
23.March 28, 20242800.1%
24.March 27, 20244940.2%
25.March 26, 20242200.1%
26.March 25, 20243140.1%
27.March 24, 20241840%
28.March 23, 202400%
29.March 22, 20242650.1%
30.March 21, 20242170.1%
31.March 20, 20242090.1%
32.March 19, 20242140.1%
33.March 18, 20243060.1%
34.March 17, 20243110.1%
35.March 16, 202400%
36.March 15, 20242620.1%
37.March 14, 20241720%
38.March 13, 20241760%
39.March 12, 20242810.1%
40.March 11, 20242860.1%
41.March 10, 20242630.1%
42.March 9, 202400%

Most active day February 4, 2024 : 10,373 requests handled.

Daily average: 312 requests handled.

This report was generated on April 21, 2024 06:01.
Report time frame July 9, 2009 10:20 to April 19, 2024 23:53.

Web statistics report produced by:
Analog logfile analyser. Analog 5.24Report Magic statistics formatting by Wadsack-Allen. Report Magic for Analog 2.13